Saturday, March 14, 2009

My First “Sermon”

Sermonette would probably be more like it.  I got a call from our Youth Pastor, Lisa, on Thursday.  On one Sunday each month, she leads a group to a nursing home not far from our church to have a worship service.

My take on how she asked me seems funny to me.  She said something like, “So you want to preach?”  I told her about my conversation with the District Superintendent a couple of weeks ago.  One of the questions he asked me was what do you think would be your greatest challenge.  I told him the preaching would probably be it.

I base that on my experience of being a high school chemistry student. I had two of the best high school chemistry teachers in the world.  They loved their job and it showed.  They did their job so well that when I graduated, I only looked at the degree I would need to teach as a mere inconvenience.  I thought that I could do their job right then!

It was only after completing my degree and starting my career that I realized how hard the job of being a teacher is.  I think that it really takes about five years before one can get a grasp of what it is to be a teacher. (I hope it doesn’t take me as long for my next career!)

Oh, well, tomorrow is the day.  I have an idea what I want to say and how I want to say it.  I have it printed.  It is only supposed to be about ten minutes.  What I have probably won’t take that long.  I will write more after it happens to tell you my impressions.