So I spent most of the day yesterday working on what we used to call “paperwork”. Now such things are done online through dedicated web portals and other Internet-related media. I think that I like this better because usually I’d have to write things with pen or pencil and paper. I have really lost the ability to write legibly, so most of what I do nowadays that I want to be able to read is done on a computer.
One of the things that I was doing was filing income taxes. I did this so that I could file a FAFSA. This is another in a long line of acronyms developed by some branch of our Federal government. It is one part of a plea for funding for my seminary education. The other part is an institutional form for Asbury Seminary.
In order for a person to become Ordained in the United Methodist Church, there is a two-prong process. Getting accepted into Asbury is only one part of the process. Parallel to this is another process supervised by the Florida Conference of the UMC. I have begun this process. My next step is to meet with the District Superintendent.
I emailed him earlier this week, then followed up with a phone call late in the week and I’m hoping for a call and an appointment next week. My pastor thinks the next step is for me to have a pastor/mentor assigned to me. Then this person and I will work through some kind of workbook or notebook.
It still seems amazing to me that God would want to use me as a pastor. I do know that this is what He wants for me, but I really don’t know why.